November 2015 — Official release of « Vagues »

Couverture de Vagues
Cover of Vagues by François Leclair

An impressive flow of people (totalling almost 200 attendants) took part in the release, Saturday and Sunday, November 7th and 8th. Moments of stress and intense grace intertwined, particularly during the viewing of the two magnificent videoclips « La Vague » and « Le Chat » produced by Marie-Laure Turmel. The rest is up to « Vagues » and to those with whom it resonates.

Following the release and an interview with TVA on location, the restaurant « Bostaurus », located at 61, Principale, Aylmer, in a beautiful ancestral mansion, will host live piano performances every two weeks from 7 pm to 10 pm, beginning November 20 (also December 4th and December 18th). Perfect place to enjoy good music, food and company.

photo de Pierre Guérin au Bostaurus
La salle se remplit. (© Jacques Dubé)
photo de Pierre Guérin au Bostaurus
Présentation en cours. (© Jacques Dubé)
photo de Pierre Guérin au Bostaurus
L’artiste en pleine performance. (© Jacques Dubé)

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